Level:IntermediateTime:2-day WorkshopminspublishedFebruary 25, 2021
Source:Pain BC
An innovative and evidence-based 2-day workshop explores the best practices of biopsychosocial chronic pain management in the context of real clinical case studies. Practitioners will receive hands-on...
An innovative and evidence-based 2-day workshop explores the best practices of biopsychosocial chronic pain management in the context of real clinical case studies. Practitioners will receive hands-on experience as they learn about the latest research and how to apply it to their clinical practice.
A mandatory pre-requisite webinar to gain a basic understanding of pain physiology and neuroscience is required.
- $595: Early-bird price for members of Canadian Provincial Chiropractic Associations (BCCA, etc.) before September 14, 2020
- $795: Regular price for members of Canadian Provincial Chiropractic Associations (BCCA, etc.)
- $898: Non-member registration
- $425: Student registration (please provide the name of your educational institution when you register).
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