Level:BasicIntermediateAdvancedTime:48 minsminspublishedJanuary 17, 2021
Source:Pain Week
It is vital to have an appreciation and knowledge of alternative pain treatments in an era where mass opioid use has been the norm. During the so-called opioid epidemic, practitioners should provide p...
It is vital to have an appreciation and knowledge of alternative pain treatments in an era where mass opioid use has been the norm. During the so-called opioid epidemic, practitioners should provide patients with effective tools to help manage pain while minimizing the negative effects of opioid exposure. Adjuvant agents are not primarily identified as analgesic in nature but have been found in clinical practice to have either an independent analgesic effect or additive analgesic properties when used with opioids. Adjuvants add a unique action in opioid-resistant pain and can play a role in reducing opioid side effects.
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