Image of Linda Bevans

“In 2016 my son lost control of his truck and went under a trailer. He was pronounced dead, but they found a heartbeat.”

“I worked in early childhood education and ran a day care until I had my three kids. With my middle son, I was at Langley Memorial a lot for stitches or rocks up his nose; he was trouble. I thought it’d be interesting to work in a hospital so I applied for a housekeeping job. I’ve been here 10 years, mostly on 3 South, which has a lot of elderly patients. I love listening to their stories. I have a knack with them, just like with kids. I had an aggressive patient, but I knew he was bored, so I gave him my duster and he’d follow me.

In 2016 my son lost control of his truck and went under a trailer. He was pronounced dead, but they found a heartbeat. He was 21. He had a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma at Royal Columbian for six weeks before he opened his eyes. They transferred him to Langley, eventually to 4 South, just above my floor. I’ve seen both sides of Fraser Health: the medical and care side. You think your child will get better; that they’ll walk and talk again. Now he’s in a care home: it’s tough. You’ve got to give it all you can. You’ve got to give it every shot.”

Linda Bevans, Housekeeper, Langley Memorial Hospital

Read more Humans of Fraser Health stories.

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