Mits Miyata

Mits Miyata was named the 2018 Health Care Hero for Fraser Health at the 12th annual BC Health Care Awards.

Mits Miyata has spent the past 35 years first as a frontline pharmacist, and more recently as a program manager, supervisor and director. But no matter what his title, he’s always been a leader.

Mits started his career as a pharmacist at St. Paul’s Hospital, where he worked for 19 years. Since joining Fraser Health in 2001, he has worked in various leadership roles and has been an effective advocate for expanding the role of clinical pharmacists to include more direct involvement in patient care as part of multidisciplinary teams.

Even while working in management roles, Mits never lost sight of the fact that improved patient care should always be the overarching goal. In 2004, working with the regional director, Mits implemented the Medication Management Program, a pioneering community health initiative that assisted at-risk seniors to successfully transition to the home setting. As Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services manager, he played a key role in establishing innovative pharmacy services. In the new Surrey Memorial Hospital Critical Care Tower, Mits helped establish dedicated pharmacy services for neonatal and pediatric patients to improve infant medication safety.

For being a trusted and supportive colleague, respected and admired manager and mentor, and a strong advocate for pharmacy practice over his 35-year career, Mits Miyata has been named this year’s Health Care Hero for Fraser Health.

About BC Health Care Awards

Presented by the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) on Monday, June 25, the awards recognize the efforts of health care employees who provide quality care and acknowledge excellence and innovation in publicly funded health care. Learn more about this year's award recipients.

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