On Monday, March 8th, Fraser Health invites seniors aged 90 and older, Indigenous people aged 65 and older, and Indigenous Elders in the region to book an appointment, online or by phone, for a free COVID-19 vaccine.
Appointments for vaccination start March 15, 2021. For a full listing of our current clinics please visit: www.fraserhealth.ca/vaccineclinic.
Booking is done by phone or online (do not try to book before your earliest booking date):
- Fraser Health COVID-19 Immunization Booking phone line: 1-855-755-2455
- Online at www.fraserhealth.ca/vaccinebooking
- Translation services are available at the call centre and our clinics
In partnership with First Nations Health Authority, Métis Nation British Columbia, Friendship Centres and other community organizations, COVID-19 immunization clinics with cultural supports are available for those who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) individuals 65 years of age or older, and Indigenous Elders.
Fraser Heath will be using a combination of small, medium and large clinics located across our 20 communities. Mobile outreach teams will be used for homebound population using home health and home support to receive immunization in their home. As BC’s vaccine program continues to expand, our capacity will expand with several clinics opening by mid-April.
Fraser Health is starting with 22 clinics available to book appointments, spanning across our region. Planning for these clinics is based on population size, patient experience, our diverse population and efficiency. While every community might not have a stand-alone vaccine clinic, each will have access to multiple clinics for safe and effective vaccine delivery. We want to ensure there are options for as many people as possible. Seniors will have choices of where they wish to have their vaccine.
Fraser Health has a unique approach with five of our clinics across the region offering drive through vaccine appointments so you can stay in the comfort of your car.
Starting Monday, Fraser Health has the capacity to immunize over 9 thousand people per day which will more than meet the demand of this phase. We are well underway in planning to deliver over 23 thousand immunizations a day for Phase 3.
Fraser Health will be monitoring the volumes at our sites and will flex clinics up or down to meet our communities’ needs. As more groups become eligible for the vaccine, they will be provided with instructions on how to book an appointment.
Fraser Health would like to thank our municipalities, community organizations, business leaders, Divisions of Family Practice and staff and medical staff who have given their time, generosity and continued dedication to our response to this pandemic.
For more information on COVID-19 vaccine please visit www.fraserhealth.ca/vaccine
*translated materials also available at this link
Download b-roll of Fraser Health’s drive-through vaccination clinics and photos.
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