Woman holding passport with caption "Why immunize? To travel"
Submitted by Communications & Public Affairs

“I’m the biggest risk to exposing [my family] to COVID-19, so if I can prevent COVID-19 from coming into our home by getting vaccinated, then that's a huge relief.”

“I got immunized to help protect my family as soon as possible. My kids are young (five and nine years old) and they can't get vaccinated for a long time. I’m the biggest risk to exposing them to COVID-19, so if I can prevent COVID-19 from coming into our home by getting vaccinated, then that's a huge relief for my whole family.

My patients in long-term care are fragile and frail, and COVID-19 has been taking many of their lives, so I'll do anything I can to protect them – that's what everyone's job in health care is really, to protect people. It is especially important to protect our seniors in long-term care –they put their lives in our hands, and trust us to help make their last months and years safe and comfortable. They have made huge sacrifices this last year being apart from their families and friends, and we owe it to them to get vaccinated and protect them, so that we can get back to life as normal, and they can see their families again.

I want to get back to seeing my friends and family. I want to get back to seeing my kids play with their friends, to coaching my kids’ sports that they’re not allowed to play right now. They play soccer. They want to see their friends, play with their friends, go to restaurants and go to movies.

I know the vaccine is very safe. I’ve done my reading, I trust what Dr. Bonnie Henry and the health authorities have said about it, and I see how much it is helping already to protect my patients.”

Please champion #CommunityImmunity by urging all your family, friends, neighbours and networks to get registered, book and get their shot as soon as possible: gov.bc.ca/getvaccinated.

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