This year let’s celebrate in a COVID-19-safe way. Here are some tips on how to honour Diwali and other special occasions.
- Celebrate only with people you live with in your home and please do not invite guests into your home.
- Connect virtually through a video call or by phone with extended family, friends and loved one and say no to in person invitations.
- Wear a mask when shopping for festival celebrations.
- If you are feeling unwell please stay home, ask a person you live with in your home to shop for you.
- Sharing food is not safe right now. If you are preparing festive meals for your household, pour Daal and Sabji, and place Pakoras, Samosas, Barfi and Besan on a separate plate for each person.
- Celebrate Diwali by joining live stream prayers and lighting Divaa or Diya at home.
Celebrate Diwali in a COVID-19 safe way (English)
Celebrate Diwali in a COVID-19 safe way (Hindi)
Celebrate Diwali in a COVID-19 safe way (Punjabi)
Consider taking part in online festivities and virtual prayers
We’ve listed some online events below but check with your local place of worship as they may have additional events planned.
Online festivities:
Diwali Fest – “Diwali Downtown Vancouver” takes place on November 7 online from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m.
Diwali Fest – “Diwali Festival of Lights” takes place on November 8 on Zoom from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Facebook Live events – Lakshmi Narayan Mandir, Hindu Temple
Virtual prayer options:
Gurdwaras – Gudwara Dukh Nivaran Sahib live video
Gurdwaras – Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Society live video
Radio – Gudwara Dukh Nivaran Sahib
Radio – Gurdwara Sahib Dasmesh Darbar Radio
Mobile app – Apple
Mobile app – Google Play
How are you planning to celebrate safely this year? Share your ideas in the comments below.