Find guidelines and checklists to prevent health hazards.

The following guidelines assist operators of personal service establishments, such as hair salons, to prevent health hazards and reduce the risk of transmitting communicable diseases or infestations from common-use articles and sharp instruments.


The B.C. Ministry of Health provides guidelines to prevent health hazards and reduce the risk of transmitting communicable diseases or infections through the use of personal services. Visit the Personal Service Establishments page to find:

  • Guidelines for personal services establishments
  • Guidelines for personal services establishments offered at tradeshows
  • Guidelines for body modification
  • Guidelines for flotation tanks
  • Guidelines for laser hair removal
  • Guidelines for microblading
  • Information for tanning salon operators (tanning indoor)

Changes to the provincial Regulated Activities Regulation ban youth under the age of 18 (minors) from using tanning equipment went into effect in 2012.

Please note that the following checklists reference the Guidelines for Personal Services Establishments (2012). This guideline was updated in 2014, however the information on these checklists is still current.


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