Higher level of care for adults 19 and over living with serious and ongoing symptoms of mental illness.

We provide a range of highly specialized care, or tertiary services, for adults 19 years and over, living with serious and ongoing symptoms of mental illness, whose care needs are beyond what can be supported by our short-term hospital stay programs and community mental health services.

Tertiary services are delivered through a team including various health care professionals who provide consultation, assessments, treatment, social support and other supports.

How do I access these services?

Access to these services are generally through a hospital setting or a health care professional. In some cases a family doctor may be able to refer an individual to some tertiary programs. If you are not sure what service would meet yours or your loved one’s needs, you can contact your local mental health and substance use centre.

Who can access these services?

These services are available to adults 19 years and over who are diagnosed with a mental health condition and are experiencing ongoing symptoms that make it difficult to manage their lives in their community. Determining which service would best suit you or your loved one will vary based on age, where you live, and you and your loved one’s care needs.

If you or your loved one is wondering if this is the right service for you and you are in:

  • Hospital – please speak with the social worker or other staff on the unit.
  • Community – please speak with your health care professional at your local mental health and substance use centre.

What services do we provide?

Older adult

Tertiary long-term care and acute services for adults (ages 19 – 64 years)

Tertiary specialized long-term care services 

Tertiary community out-patient services for adults

Tertiary neuropsychiatry

Provincial Programs


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